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Revolutionizing Elderly Care With Smart Technologies

Although older adults take more time to adopt new technologies than young adults, they are willing to do so if such technologies appear to have value – for instance, in maintaining their quality of life, according to a study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Some of the latest technologies that are changing the lives of seniors are innovations in the Internet of Things (IoT). There are various IoT devices available today that are helping elders to stay safe, healthy and independent for longer. When properly deployed, these IoT devices can drastically improve their quality of life.

Smart Motion Sensors

Smart motion sensors are making it easier for caregivers to keep seniors safe. As the name implies, a smart motion sensor detects motion wherever it is placed, and then sends a signal wirelessly to a connected remote receiver unit, letting a caregiver know when a senior is leaving their bed, approaching a door, or accessing any area you place the sensors in. Smart motion sensors make it easier for caregivers to keep tabs on seniors without necessarily being close to them. Smart motion sensors can also be used for security, alerting caregivers and law enforcement agencies whenever an intruder tries to access a senior’s home.

Smart Cleaning Robots

Some of the daily life chores that seem easy for young adults can be an uphill task for seniors, especially those who are facing illnesses. Something as easy as cleaning the house can take a lot of effort for a person who is too weak to get out of bed. Thankfully, there are smart cleaning robots like the Roomba that can keep seniors’ homes clean without them ever lifting a finger. A smart cleaning robot follows a series of programmed instructions along with its built-in intelligence to map out cleaning routes, store them in its memories, and then re-use them for daily cleaning tasks. It relies on a variety of onboard sensors – including a touch sensor, photocell sensor, infrared sensor, and piezoelectric sensor to know which parts need cleaning and to avoid obstacles while in action. The latest Roombas also have Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows you to program them using a smartphone app.

Wearable Health Technology

Healthcare is one of the most promising IoT applications. Amongst the up and coming smart medical devices for seniors are biosensors. Biosensors are wearable devices that allow seniors to move around while collecting key data on their movement, temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate. The device automatically shares such data with the senior’s doctor or caregiver in real-time. Biosensors are making remote monitoring easier, and they can even be life-saving in some cases. For example, they can alert caregivers or emergency medical services when a senior has a heart attack in his/her home, allowing them to send help before it’s too late.

When it comes to senior living, the IoT industry is one the most exciting developments in the past few decades.

As the senior population grows, IoT solutions that improve the quality of life of seniors and help them live more independently will become more important than ever.

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