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Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way across industries and into virtually every conceivable business process. It can even assist in creating and establishing your brand, offering the benefits of big data analysis to all your decision-making processes.

Branding defines the value of products perhaps more than any other factor. For example, when Microsoft’s Xbox platform acquired Bethesda Game Studios’ parent company for $7.5 billion—the second-largest acquisition in the industry—they weren’t just buying the rights to their games. They were purchasing the brand and everything it had come to mean to its fanbase.

But establishing a valuable brand becomes more and more difficult as digital and B2B markets are flooded with competition. Could AI be the tool that helps B2B businesses brand their content for greater success?

We’ll look at how AI is being used in branding and its role in the future of marketing.

How AI is Used in Branding

Artificial intelligence is defined by its ability to compute data with a level of intelligence nearing human thought. Within this broad category is machine learning, an AI process that allows a system to learn and make decisions that are not explicitly programmed within it. To do this, AI requires big data.

The beauty of the internet is that it is a data-generation machine. The big four online data storage companies—Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook—together house as much as 1.2 million terabytes of information. The enormous amount of information available across the web contains success metrics for all kinds of brands, websites, and service platforms. All this information can potentially be harnessed by the power of AI analytics to produce actionable recommendations for branding a business.

Here are just a few of the ways AI is currently being utilized in branding:

→ AI exists in search engine algorithms.

Google and its competitors all make use of AI processes within their search engine algorithms. This helps businesses find the services they need and it helps service providers get found.

Effective marketers analyze the way search engines work in order to craft the best SEO approach to their branding strategies. Ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) means studying keywords, URLs, and website architecture that will be competitive in an online search.

Marketers can then use AI processes of their own to help redirect and retarget customers for long-term engagement, making AI one of the trending components of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) marketplace.

→ AI is helping with recruitment.

The coronavirus pandemic opened up the world of remote work, popularizing it as a business feature. With remote processes, there is greater potential to hire workers from all over the world. But this also means more resumes to go through.

Luckily, AI is helping hiring managers build their brand with new employees that match the values of the organization. Semantic searching and filtering through AI application tracking programs brings only the most compatible candidates to the attention of the humans in charge. The results are brands built by workers who more consistently meet the values and vision of the company.

AI assists in content design.

Artificial intelligence is evolving all the time, bringing smart recommendations to all kinds of design elements. AI integration in your online platform can range from finding the ideal color scheme that has the psychological effects you want to helping you craft and customize marketing content.

Take Wix’s Advanced Design Intelligence, for example. This system uses descriptive adjectives alongside model analysis to generate website templates for users. The user then has the ability to make adjustments, but the automated system helps them design a good-looking product.

Designing for technology is always easier with the help of technology. Integrate AI into your design processes to ensure your UI aligns with broad aesthetic values.

→ AI is enhancing customer service experiences.

Chatbots are an increasingly common use of AI. With 75% of customers now expecting  service within five minutes of online contact, businesses need readily available strategies for addressing issues. This is especially vital in B2B services.

Modern innovations in natural language processing mean responsive bots that can handle voice queries from smart home devices. This can help make your digital platforms accessible for new and broader audiences. For B2B businesses, chatbots offer the opportunity to forge their identity as a brand that is open and helpful when it comes to engaging with customers.

→ AI is improving client retention.

Among the many applications of AI in marketing, the ability of smart systems to improve client retention is one of the most beneficial. After all, nothing shapes your brand quite like your loyal user base.

Through data tracking and analytics, AI systems see where clients might be having trouble or losing interest. The system can then send out personalized content or messaging to reach the customer and improve their overall experience. This results in a branded experience that puts the user at its center, leading to continuous business success.

All these uses of AI can assist a business in building a successful brand that is known for its dedication to its customers. In the modern world, we expect personalized and convenient results at the touch of a button. Nothing makes this possible like AI.

In the future, the role of AI in branding will extend to modeling all kinds of client bases and marketing strategies to best predict success. In the meantime, businesses can take advantage of the data-driven assistance AI brings to the table in order to bring value to their brand.

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